I don't want to talk about it!
In my recent conversations with people around me, I have heard this statement a few times now. I know, that it is not really true that you don't want to talk about it, but what you don't what is to feel more pain, discomfort or stress. So saying "I don't want to talk about it" is the easiest way out of discomfort. I understand.
But then what? The feeling is still there, you get some quiet time, time away from the stress or pain. Until it comes up again. The same feeling, the same reaction, maybe some shouting, a strong aversion to the pain. "I am not talking about this! Ok!?"
Most often we don't actually know what lies underneath this strong reaction. All we know is that there is a strong resistance.
In this post, I just want to point out that when we say "I don't want to talk about it", there is an issue that needs looking at. The resistance shows it to us. Any resistance within us is like a blockage, which hinders Source energy to flow. Who in us doesn't want to talk about it? It is always the little me that is adamant to not do something and then acts like a dictator, wanting to control people around it.
When we are living from our all-embracing Heart we are able to meet this feeling, whatever it might be. So the first thing to realise is that we are coming from our little me, our Heart would not react like this. And then ask some questions: