Are you afraid to Be alone?
When a pain button is triggered we usually look outside of ourselves to other people.
We might think badly of them, judge them or blame them for how we feel.
Because it looks like they were not considerate, they didn't think about our feelings (and they should have in our minds) and they hurt us.
The thing we usually overlook in these moments is that we have become demanding. That we are blaming others and giving our power to them.
We only see the other person and forget that it is OUR emotion.
This is the ego-self at play who is always only looking outside of itself to find someone to blame.
It is in need of praise, approval, validation, consideration etc, in short, it is looking for Love.
The other person should NOT have behaved like they did, in its view, and the fault lies with them!
Even if you might know this when you get triggered the same way of thinking comes up again and again, right?
This happens because there is still an identification with the emotion that causes the trigger to reappear.
You might still believe that you can't be