Do you follow your ego-mind?
When you can see how the ego works, and how it wants to keep control over you and manipulate you so you keep feeding it, you can start to free yourself from it. But you need to be able to see how the ego works which is not easy at first.
Because it is so easy to believe its stories and delude yourself. "I am not worthy nobody wants me/accepts me/respects me" will hinder you to become empowered and financially free. " I am sensitive, there are certain things I can't do". That is the ego speaking, keeping you identified with being sensitive. Or when you want to change somebody, because they have hurt or angered you, whether it is their behaviour, their thinking or how they treat you, all that is the ego too! The ego needs to control you because it constantly needs energy from you to survive!
Hence THE most essential ingredient you need to take back your power is to become more aware of how it works.
Check out GETTING TO GRIPS WITH EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS and learn how to - become more AWARE of the ego's doings - LOVINGLY resolve emotional triggers - and take back your power by resolving the real reasons that keep you stuck in codependency
Sign up by the 31st of August and get it for ONLY €27!! Take a new step in the right direction and help yourself by increasing your self-worth, BE your True Authentic Self, and standing strong on your own feet loving yourself as you are. Your ego mind will do everything to RUN you forever.
YOU need to take back the reins by resolving and uncreating the false beliefs that allow it to control you.